Κ. Παπαγιάννης και συν. Απεικονιστικός έλεγχος των σημαντικότερων επιπλοκών του διαβητικού ποδιού. Ανασκόπηση βάσει περιστατικού
heel ulcer and pyrexia. The major laboratory findings as
well as the results of bone specimen cultures obtained
through bone biopsy are listed. The most significant
imaging findings are presented, with an emphasis on
a multimodality approach, including MRI, CT scans
and X-rays, during the course and progression of the
affliction within a time period of 15 months.
Finally, the dominant imaging findings of the major
complications of the diabetic foot are discussed, with a
particular emphasis on those that can help differentiate
between osteomyelitis and neuropathic arthropathy.
Diabetic foot, complications of diabetic foot,
osteomyelitis, neuropathic arthropathy, Charcot joint,
plain radiographs, computed tomography, magnetic
resonance imaging
Department of medical imaging, “Amalia Flem-
ing” General Hospital
“D. Voyatzoglou” Diabetic Foot Clinic, “Amalia
Fleming” General Hospital
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