Ν. Κοτζιαμάνη και συν. Παρουσίαση περιστατικού με νόσο του Blount: ο ρόλος της μαγνητικής τομογραφίας στη διερεύνηση της
εξαρτάται από το στάδιο της νόσου και την ηλικία του
παιδιού κατά τη χειρουργική αποκατάσταση
Kotziamani N, Chaitidou S, Koutsampasopoulou
I, Panagiotidou D, Kariki E, Tsitouridis I.
A case of
Blount’s disease: MRI evaluation
Blount’s disease is a developmental disorder
characterized by relative growth inhibition of the
posteromedial portion of the proximal aspect of the
tibia. The pathogenesis of the deformity is likely related
to excessive compressive forces on the medial aspect
of the proximal tibial physis. There is an increasing
deformity of the medial tibial plateau with progressive
depression and fragmentation of the medial tibial
metaphysis, also involving the epiphysis in higher
stages and bone bridge formation between the tibial
epiphysis and metaphysis in end stage disease. MRI
is an excellent imaging tool, superior to other imaging
methods, providing useful informations about the
physis and the cartilaginous part of medial epiphysis.
Mechanical alignment must be restored before skeletal
maturity to reduce the risk of early onset degenerative
Blount’s disease, tibia vara, growth inhibition
of the physis, MRI.
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